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So, you found my art website and now you want to know a little more about me, eh?

I'm known by many names. Most commonly you'll hear folks call me Quill or Freddie, and both are correct. I have two cats and a lovely partner. When I'm not working on art, I can be found cooking or reading or singing through musical theater albums. I have two bachelors' degrees: English (emphasis in Drama) and Scriptwriting, which I mostly use to be nerdy at parties. I'm also a queer guy, and I like to fill my head with queer theory and embrace intersectionality. All the power to all the people!

In truth, art is my great passion. Art serves an important function in culture and society. Whether it is to inspire, express, evoke emotion, teach, entertain, or simply to exist, art is necessary to further understand the human condition. The more we interact with a diverse selection of art, the better we understand each other as a species and, moreover, as people. In my opinion, everyone should be doing some kind of art! It is a beautiful process.

My artistic interests focus primarily on the strange, the queer, the eldritch, the abstract, the surreal, the monstrous, the absurd... with a couple laughs thrown in there along the way. Usually.

I devote most of my time to digital illustration & design, and comics. When I'm able to carve out time, I work with acrylics on canvas. I also host regular art/variety streams on Twitch every week -- you should come check it out!

Well? Did I answer all your questions and more? Do you know more about me than you did before? However it shook out for you, that's some stuff about me.

© 2024 Freddie Ardonne

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